We are well underway in our anthology book The Wild Life!

You can join this impressive lineup of authors and share your best advice on unconventional ways to learn, profit, and grow

Become A Co-Author

Chapter Co-Author

  • Have your chapter included in The Wild Life: Genius Edition
  • Be featured on the website with your headshot and bio
  • Leverage this bestselling book to increase your influence, exposure, and credibility
  • Be included in this book that will be featured…
    • In an article in NYC Independent
    • In an article in the London Digest

Chapter Co-Author plus  Media Campaign

Everything listed above, PLUS…

  • You will also be included in a NASDAQ TV Interview
  • The New to the Street show is also rebroadcast on NewsMax, Fox Business, and Bloomberg TV

  • You will also be featured on the Times Square Billboard, New York City

Chapter Requirements

You will have 2,000 words for your chapter and 200 words for your Bio. After your chapter title and your name, you will get to choose a quote that goes at the beginning of your chapter. The quote should be by someone besides you who is somewhat well-known.

Layout Example

For an example, look at the digital flipbook version of 

The Wild Life Book

Notice the imagery on the left page, the chapter starting on the right page, followed by the co-author’s name, the quote, the chapter, then the bio of the co-author. This will be the pattern we will follow.

Co-Author Support

We will help you write the chapter as needed.
We will share with you the beginning of the book written as an example for you to get you started to help you understand the tone of the book. This material will help you catch the spirit of what might be written by others.

What Expertise Can You Add?

Your chapter should:
Explain your perspective on learning that is atypical, unique, and unconventional, and why it works.

Share how your expertise, business, specialty, or topic helps people learn outside the classroom.

Express how your advice, service, or technique helps others learn, profit, and grow.

Other examples: Maybe what you teach allows them to be in the right frame of mind to excel in learning, or to create an environment outside the classroom that is ideal for learning.

Time Frame

You must have your completed chapter to us by August 20th, 2024. We are here to help you with that. Your chapter will be proofread and formatted. Any suggested changes will be given to you by August 25th. You must complete and sign off by September 5th, 2024, so we may have the book published on Amazon, printed, and ready for the launch.

This book will also be a significant part of the Fall 2025 Kenya Keynote Tour to Universities, High Schools, Grade Schools, Entrepreneur Events, and TV Interviews where we will return to do even more speaking, inspiring, and serving. 

Learn More at kenya.toptagency.com

Disclaimer: This is not a Guerrilla Marketing book. Although I’m the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing and have created a lot of content and books for that series, this is NOT a part of that Guerrilla Marketing series. If anything, this is the follow-up to the bestselling book Guerrilla Parenting I did which was featured on numerous FOX News shows, including Fox and Friends, Neal Cavuto, and the Today show. — David T. Fagan
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