Publicity For Our Clients

Frequently Asked Questions
Book Coaching consists of sessions, online or over the phone, where we explore what stories to share, evidence to present, visual aids to create, order of content, controversial statements to make for future media pitches, legal pitfalls to avoid, and ancillary pages to add. Top Talent and its leadership are not only bestselling published authors themselves, but have been a part of almost 1,000 books created over the last decade.
Almost every version of your book needs its own book registration with ISBN#, Bar Code Creation, and US Library of Congress. Examples include, but are not limited to paperback, hardback, workbook, and audiobook. Top talent not only does the work, but covers the fees associated with the process.
This is the process of exploring the order of the content in your book, what content should be expanded upon, and what content should be reduced or removed altogether. Ultimately, the content of the book is up to you, but professional advice will be provided to maximize your book’s overall success and the business associated with the book.
This is the classic process of checking for correct spelling, most appropriate grammar, and word choice. This means using the right word. For example, the right their, they’re, there, or your or you’re. Often, because, even though the word is spelled correctly, it isn’t the right word! Top Talent also ensures this process happens more than a few times and, the writer is never the proofreader.
This is the next-level beautification of the book that few publishers provide. This includes watermarks, visual aids, special font quote pages, custom numbering, page headings, and more. Top Talent excels at this process making your book not just a collection of words, but an experience for the reader, which engages both sides of the brain as well as their heart.
It’s ok to self-publish, but your book should never look self-published. Most media outlets and event producers will respect a third-party published book, and Top Talent has a family of bestselling authors with impressive bio’s and book covers that make it a great company for you to share and be a part of. This is an added value that is most realized when pitching your book to media, events, and distributors.
The options and ways to set up, receive money, and market your book can be multi-faceted. This is an important step, and when done with professional best practices in mind, with an experienced team, you are more likely to avoid lost revenue, upset buyers, suspension, or even being shut down by Amazon.
This not only requires that your book be converted to the Amazon KPF document version, but when the book is placed on their distributor/store website the best keywords and categories are chosen. You can choose two categories during the digital upload process, but there is an additional manual process that Top Talent provides which ensures your book is in at least ten categories. This maximizes your opportunity for the most exposure as well as the potential to be in the most categories as a bestseller.
This is a one-page website dedicated to nothing but the marketing and sale of the book itself, with the only place that the web visitor might be able to click away to is Amazon, where they can purchase your book. This can be as simple as consulting you (and your staff, if you have one) on how to best create the webpage or the actual creation of the webpage by the Top Talent team. The choice is up to you. There are some proven strategies that, when ignored, may reduce profits.
Persuasive, simple wording is provided for social media posts as well as emails to promote your book during various launches. This includes additional strategy, coaching, and opportunities to choose from, based on your goals, budgets, and bandwidth. The texts may be as short as a paragraph, whereas an email could be a couple of pages. Yet another example of something Top Talent does that most publishers don’t.
Top Talent has opt-in email lists, social media groups, book clubs, events, and strategic partners, which could support the launch of your book. Ultimately, you will decide to what extent you want this help. This may require waiting or prioritizing Top Talent events on the calendar and locations physically and/or online.
Top Talent has its own successful magazine (, featuring speakers, authors, experts, and show hosts. This magazine is shared through various email databases, social media groups, and events. Top Talent also strategically features all its authors on the cover to help maximize social proof and exposure. This kind of press has been proven to be a launching pad for other interviews, speaking gigs, media opportunities, and attracting new business leads.
Top Talent has relationships and a history of featuring their clients and themselves in well-known media outlets. Top Talent commits to getting you in at least one following: the Los Angeles Tribune, USA Today, NY Weekly, Newsweek, or Forbes, as documented in the Top Talent agreement between you and the agency.
Top Talent has its own events including, but not limited to, Top Talent JV Masterminds and Top Talent Speaks Conferences. At these events, our speakers, authors, and show host (the talent) clients are interviewed, spotlighted, and given opportunities to headline our audiences. It’s in our best interest to showcase you and the accomplishment we’re making together.
Top Talent provides on-stage and on-camera training which focuses on professional best practices, including talking in soundbites and segments, attracting, enrolling, and more. These potentially weeklong events include photoshoots and filming to help you make the most out of your exposure opportunities. These events can be attended online, but are best in person. As a client, there is no limit to the number of events you can attend. We offer several of these events a year.
You can opt out of some of the services we offer, reducing your investment; however, some services are required so we may maintain the highest level of quality. When you look good, so do we; and vice versa.
Your investment can be adjusted by determining how much of the book you want to write, how much promotion you want, the publicity you prioritize over time, speaking opportunities you want, help with your book website, and on-stage, on-camera training, and how much you want with photoshoots and filming.
All books are required to be branded, cover designed, proofread, formatted, and interior designed by Top Talent to ensure what the public sees is of only the highest quality.
We find and present some speaking and media opportunities for you, which may require an additional investment. You decide who will ultimately manufacture your book. Top Talent facilitates the process and adds no additional costs to printing books. All money paid for printing is transparent and paid directly to the printer. The same applies to tax and shipping.
Clients who already have a working business model, or what we call proof of concept, which uses the book to support and promote the already successful business, are the ones who benefit the most from publishing a bestselling book. (Proof of Concept is determined by three things: having a product or service to sell, selling that product or service at a profit, and having so many happy customers with the product or service they bought from you that they are giving you testimonials, and referring their colleagues, friends, and business partners to you. This means you have a working business model and you are in the best position to capitalize on a bestselling book.)
If you already have a finished manuscript your book could be launched, turned into a bestseller, and printed so it’s in your hands, in three to six months. If you haven’t formally written anything or finished much of anything for the main manuscript, it might take six to 12 months to have your bestseller finished, printed, and in your hands.
Do you have a book
that you're happy with?
Learn how we can represent you in the media to talk about why your ideal audience should work with you instead of your competition.
Thought leaders, industry experts, and incredible people doing exceptional things.
Another way to help our clients get more exposure-getting featured in Top Talent Magazine.
We publish a digital magazine with approximately 200,000 impressions per issue.
Top Talent Magazine is all about shining a light on the valuable expertise behind the experts who change lives and
make the world a better place!

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David T. Fagan
He has been featured on Fox & Friends, the Today Show, The Washington Post, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fox’s The Five, and What’s Happening Now, to name a few. He’s won major awards for publishing, publicity, and even the Entrepreneur Educator of the Year Award from Inc 500 Keap as well as the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award from the White House.
Isabel Donadio

Dr. Richard Kaye
Dr. Richard Kaye, a retired chiropractor, is best known as a business growth strategist. For 25 years he’s been serving the entrepreneurial community, enhancing a culture of collaboration and cooperation. Richard is an internationally acclaimed lecturer, having presented seminars and workshops in Australia, France, Japan, and Russia, as well as in the United States.
Richard has shared the stage with Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Berny Dohrmann, and myriad other leading entrepreneurs. He has been featured on KTLA television, in Los Angeles, California, and had a PBS special about him. He was recently awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at the Publicity and Publishing Conference (PubPubCon). Richard is also known for his program “The Secrets of Empowering Negotiation” which was featured in Forbes. His book, The Secrets of Creating Customers for Life, helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses from the inside out! Richard resides with his wife, in Taos, New Mexico.
Jessica Sheehan

Julia Payan
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